This is an experiment in writing my next book in public. The working title is:
People-First Growth: For people who care about people over profit, but who need profit to care for people.
If you’re a leader invested in the growth of your organization, and you nerd out over business strategy
If you’re committed to approaching business in ways that put people first, and you want to find new ways of aligning your process with your values
If you’d like to be part of a community of people who share similar interests and values
I’m CEO of a people-first growth and creative web consultancy called &yet.
I’m also a writer.
I recently released the second edition of Gather the People: A human approach to marketing for people who would rather make what they love than persuade people to buy it.
Now I’m writing People-First Growth: For people who care about people over profit, but who need profit to care for people.
I’m a big fan of creating out loud
I recently started a public Roam project, where I flesh out the questions I’m grappling with/possibilities I’m exploring as CEO of &yet.
So far, my writing process for writing the People-First Growth book is:
Make a Q&A video, answering one of my open questions
(Have a question? Ask me anything!)
Transcribe video using Otter
Use transcription to distill video concepts into a set of working principles
Weave those principles into this book
Right now, I’m very early in this book’s process, so I’m mainly looking for encouragement and questions.
You can leave comments with questions/encouragement, anywhere you like 😀
Or you can ask me anything using this form
Eventually, I’ll want more specific feedback, but right now my focus is on writing, writing, writing (rather than editing/refining).
If you’d like updates as I go, you can subscribe to my newsletter
You can also follow me on Twitter
If you work at a people-first company and you’re looking for collaborators in your growth, consider &yet.
We’re a team of designers, developers, and strategists who are veterans at using creative technology to solve growth challenges. Send me an email.
Thank you for joining me!